Plagiarism Policy

The editing and review process play an important role in successful manuscript publishing. We promise a transparent and quality peer-review process. To assure this, it is an obligation to assist the scientific community in all aspects of publishing ethics, especially in cases of plagiarism.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment. This applies to all kinds of plagiarism, including but not limited to:

    • Using the exact words of another writer in part of a paper without both citation and quotation marks (or block indentation in the case of longer quotations)
    • Cutting and pasting material from the Internet or other electronic resources without proper citation of sources
    • Including the paraphrased or summarized idea of another writer without acknowledging its source
    • Submitting for credit a complete paper or portion of a paper written by another person, no matter whether the paper was purchased, shared freely, stolen, found, or acquired by other means
    • Submitting music, drawings, paintings, sculptures, or photographs that copy or rely closely on the work of other artists, without explicitly citing the source
    • Writing a computer program that is the same or closely similar to existing sources
    • Accepting credit for a project, multimedia presentation, poster, or other assignments that draw dishonestly on the work of others

Plagiarism is considered fraud and cannot be tolerated by JKPM Tabikpun. When plagiarism is recognized, the Editor in Chief is responsible for the review of this manuscript and will agree on measures according to the extent of plagiarism detected in the manuscript in agreement with the following guidelines:

1. Minor Plagiarism:

A small sentence or short paragraph of another manuscript is plagiarized without any significant data or ideas taken from the other papers or publications.

Penalty: A warning is given to the authors and a request to change the manuscript and properly cite the sources.

2. Intermediate Plagiarism:

A significant data, paragraph, or sentence of an article is plagiarized without proper citation to the source.

Penalty: The submitted article is rejected and the authors are forbidden to submit further articles to the journal for one year

3. Severe Plagiarism

A large portion of an article is plagiarized that involves many aspects such as reproducing original results (data, formulation, equation, statement, drawing, photographs, etc.), ideas, and methods presented in other publications.

Penalty: The paper is rejected and the authors are banned from submitting further articles to the journal for five years.

The Plagiarism Screening Process for JPKM TABIKPUN was carried out twice using the Turnitin application with the following conditions:

  1. Manuscripts submitted first will be screened for plagiarism before the initial review process and peer assessment with a maximum word score of 20%.
  2. The manuscript will be screened again, the manuscript report is declared ACCEPTED and has gone through the layout edit process with a maximum word information score of 25%.